When you do the Whole30 there are many pantry and condiment changes to make. With my first Whole30 I liked learning to make lots of new condiments and sauces from scratch, but with a full time job and very little help in the kitchen I didn’t have time to do all of them every week.
New Whole30 Items at Costco!
Luckily in the last few months Costco has started carrying some of my favorite Whole30 items that I could only get from Whole Foods, Amazon, or my local health food store. The real bonus is that they offer them at a HUGE savings.

- Primal Kitchen Mayonnaise. You get twice the amount that you do for the small jar at all of the other stores. I love homemade mayo, but I rarely have the time to make it. This is one of my main staples during Whole30.

2. Primal Kitchen Ranch or Greek Dressing. This is another one that the price per ounce is about half of what it is at the other stores. The package is much larger, in plastic bottles instead of glass, and about the same price as the smaller single bottle elsewhere.
Quick and easy fruits and veggies!

3. Frozen Cauliflower Rice. I can’t make it this cheaply myself and it takes up much less room in my kitchen. Cook it straight from frozen. No need to thaw first.

6. Fresh broccoli florets. My husband is one of the pickiest eaters on the planet, but he was determined to do the Whole30 by the book anyway. One of the few veggies he likes is broccoli. The bag in the fresh produce room is perfect for our family. I usually buy one every week. We prefer fresh over frozen, but this saves me some prep and clean up time as well as being cheaper than buying whole broccoli heads or florets at my local grocery stores (Especially at Hawaii prices).

7. Mixed Bell Peppers. Normally these are great quality peppers and this package lasts me all week since I’m usually the only one eating them. Don’t cut these too far in advance or they will get gross and mushy.

8. Frozen Organic Fruits & Berries. It doesn’t matter which variety you get they are all great deals. Since you will be cooking more for your lunches and dinners than you are probably use to, these are great to throw a smoothie together for breakfast to save time and clean up from another meal.

9. Organic Dates. We go through about a pack a week. We pretty much only use them in our coffee, but occasionally I will use them to sweeten a sauce I’m testing. My kids like to pack them in their lunches too. My favorite dates come from my local health food store, but they are literally double the price. These are still great quality organic dates, but don’t kill my wallet.

Whole30 Pantry Must Haves.
4. Almond Flour. I don’t do much frying or breading, but this is a very good deal per ounce and I’ve been really happy with the quality. I like to mix it with coconut flour for my favorite consistency when I make homemade chicken strips or nuggets. It makes a crispy crust that is not too heavy.

10. Chosen Foods Avocado Oil. This is my favorite oil for general use. I use it in place of vegetable or canola oil and it is just as neutral in flavor if not more so, and it has a pretty high smoke point. I like coconut oil too, but it has a strong flavor that I only use in a few dishes.
Whole30 Snacks need to be planned for. Trust me!
5. Raw Almonds. Pretty much all of the pre roasted almonds on the market have at least a few ingredients that are no nos on the Whole30. Since I wasn’t drinking lots of sugary drinks I was getting a little hungry between meals. Roasted almonds made a great high protein snack to satisfy my munchies (especially before going grocery shopping). I roast them myself in a few different flavors (chili is my favorite).
For more great Whole30 on a budget shopping tips check back for more posts in the future. I’m constantly on the lookout for deals on clean eating ingredients.